
3 min

Worth the Work

The work sometimes really freakin' sucks—but it’s usually worth it.


Kyle: My point is that we're being like, like this, the same amount of hours in a day and whatnot, but people who worked like office jobs before and they had to be there every day from this time to this time, and now they don't have to do that or they can't do that. It's their whole schedule is different now. And that might provide them with time to do other things.

Bill: Yeah. You're going to have more. Free available time because you're not commuting or you're not doing other things for your job, but still people are working from home there. So their time is spoken for kind of like at their, just like as if they were at the office.

So you can say maybe they have their commute time back and some breaks with their family and stuff, but like I just want to be realistic here is like. Are people actually seizing the opportunity of this time? And I know that a lot of people are like, Jordan, he's talking to you and talking about that. So you can spend time with your family, but what are you doing with your family?

You're not just in the house together, stuck together. That's not quality time. You're not just all in your rooms watching YouTube or tic talk videos individually. Uh, and it's not even. Spending time in the same room together. It's what are you doing intentionally to get to know one another, to grow deeper in your relationships with each other and then also for yourself as well.

I've talked to somebody yesterday. I was like, all right, well, you can have a lot of like theory and intention intentions, nothing without action. If you're not actually taking action, it doesn't matter. And. Because I feel like a lot of people are thinking, Oh, I've got all this time. I can start to exercise.

I can read a book. I can do this. I can do that. It's just they're, they're thinking they're doing it out of the idea of convenience, meaning that they're probably not going to do much of it at all. They're like, Oh, well, I'm going to watch YouTube an extra hour today because I have an extra hour, because that's what I would do anyways.

When I, when I don't have to work, when I am sick, what do I do with my time? Or when I do get a vacation, what, what do I do is I just look at it as like, Hey, if you're not doing this stuff already, uh, what's the like, what's the big difference? Like, yes, you will. We have all got a little bit of a slap in the face like, Hey, wake up.

But what are you going to do with that wake up call? I'm going to say, Hey, great, I've got all this time, and then you're just going to go back to scrolling down Instagram all day. Or are you going to say, Hey, great, I've got all this time, I've been wanting to do some stuff. Let me do, let me be disciplined and actually do some stuff, and yeah.

When your get out of quarantine and you can leave your house, are you going to stop being disciplined because it's now less convenient cause you have to do other stuff or are going to use this time the next two weeks, whatever it turns into, to slowly build the habits day over day one, step at a time.

Read a book for 10 minutes, exercise for 10 minutes if you've been doing nothing, start to build the habits so that way you can continue it after you have the freedom to get out of the house and do whatever you want. Again. That's my perspective. I mean, I always want people to live up to their most positive intentions, but I also understand human nature, and I've talked to enough people who are wishful thinkers and they're not action takers.

They have pipe dreams. They're willing to talk, they're willing to even read and, but they're not willing to actually do the work. Yeah. Cause the work sometimes really freaking sucks, but it's usually worth it in the end.